Fraud Prevention At Hillcrest Bank, we enforce strong security procedures to cautiously and thoroughly protect your personal information at all times. Nobody is safe from potential fraud, which makes everyone a possible victim. The losses can be quick and large, but we make it a priority to safeguard your accounts so that any hint of fraud can be detected, reported, and solved. Report Fraud Client Services 855.629.7618 Secure Message Sign in to your account to send a secure message Visit Us Find a Banking Center Skimming Devices Skimming devices are small devices that scan a credit/debit card and store the information contained in the magnetic strip. Skimming devices are used as a means of electronically capturing a victim’s personal information used by identity thieves. Skimming can take place during a legitimate transaction at a business. How to Protect Yourself Use ATMs in public, well lighted areas. Check ATM for overlay skimmers – grab the card reader and make sure it is secure. Cover your hand when entering your pin number to protect your pin. Use gas pumps closest to or in view of the store. Look for tamper proof security tape over the lock on the gas pump. Use credit instead of debit on gas pumps to prevent your pin number from being recorded. Make it a habit to review your statements and transactions on a regular basis to make sure that everything looks accurate. What steps should I take if I am a victim of identity theft? Notify all financial institutions where the fraud occurred. If you are a client of Hillcrest Bank and believe you are a victim of identity theft, call our Client Services and Solutions Specialists at 855.629.7618 or your local banking center to report any potential of identity fraud. Notify all three credit bureaus and ask that a fraud alert be placed on your file. Equifax: 866.349.5191 Experian: 888.397.3742 TransUnion‡ 800.916.8800 Request a copy of your credit report which is free to identity theft victims. Notify the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) at 877.438.4338. Keep carefully written records of everyone you speak with and what was discussed. Use registered mail when sending important correspondence. File the appropriate local police reports and request a copy of each report for your records. Bank Midwest has partnered with Deluxe® ProventSM to help you protect your personal information. Check out our Identity Theft Protection page to learn how you can sign up today. How to Protect Yourself General Practices Never provide your personal account information to anyone who calls, emails or texts you without verifying the request. When making a purchase, push credit instead of debit. Do not share your PIN with anyone, keep it private and confidential. Make it a habit to review your statements and transactions on a regular basis to make sure that everything looks accurate. Receive paperless statements electronically through your personal online banking. Keep a list of your card numbers and phone numbers, in a secure place, to report if one of your cards is lost or stolen. Continually keep your personal information such as your phone numbers, email address, and primary mailing address up to date and on file with the bank. Always be aware of your surroundings when performing a transaction. Review your credit report annually and keep track of your daily spending to check that everything is normal. Secure your financial documents and records in a safe and secure place away from workers or anybody else who may come into your home. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is an easy way to better protect your accounts. MFA, also referred to as two-factor authentication, is a security enhancement that requires two (or more) of your personal credentials when logging into your account. MFA helps protect you by adding an extra layer of security, making it hard for hackers to steal your information.